Although it may come as surprise, studying abroad does not only consist of traveling and gaining weight. Technically, I am here to study, so here is a description of the classes I am taking: 1) Gramática Portuguesa This course focuses on identifying the different components of Portuguese grammar and the different characteristics of sounds, words, and phrases. The class is split up into six different parts: grammar, phonetics, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. So far I've gotten halfway through the unit of morphology and I've come to the conclusion that this class is the hardest of all the classes I'm taking. Since it's about all new concepts regarding the Portuguese language (that haven't even studied in the english language), it can be a bit frustrating to understand. I find myself rereading my notes constantly, in class and out of class, to make sure I am following along with all the new material. Regardless, I'm loving the experience of doin...
Join me on my adventure in Lisbon, Portugal! I'm studying abroad at the New University of Lisbon during the Spring Semester of 2019. Watch me embark on this journey in a totally new environment!